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Calgary Stampede 2017 Western Art Show Hall Of Fame-Jonn Einerssen

Thank you to everyone that came out to see us at the 2017 calgary Stampede Western Art Showcase, it was great to see old friends and make some new ones.
It was quite a special year for Jonn Einerssen as he was inducted into the 2017 Calgary Stampede Western Art Show Hall Of Fame, we are very proud, humbled and it is such an honour.

“In 2007 The Calgary Stampede introduced the Western Art Show Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame will serve to honour artists and stakeholders whose work and participation have had a significant impact on the continued success of the Western Art Show over the past 30 years. Each year the outstanding contributions of artists and stakeholders will be reviewed and recommendations presented for possible induction into the Western Art Show Hall of Fame. We are proud to induct individuals who have been long-time supporters of our show and their achievements are many. Early inductees include Alberta artists Gina MacDougall Cohoe and Malcolm MacKenzie (2007), Dale Auger (2009), Vilem Zach (2010) and Montana artist Jay Contway (2008).”

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